Mongol Bust with Eagle - MIG Production

I am learning the ropes of posting images on this forum so I thought I would post another favorite. MIG Mongol Hunter with Eagle Bust in 1/9th scale sculpted by Young B. Song.

All comments are welcomed.


Злобов Сергей (Zlobov*S)

Злой Вождь
Команда форума
Hi Guy - this bust very{very much} is pleasant! I also for a long time look at him{it}.
I congratulate Guy! A perfect bust!
Yours faithfully.
Hi Guy - очень нравится этот бюст! Я также давно смотрю на него.
Поздравляю Guy! -прекрасный бюст!
С уважением.


Команда форума
Very nice, Guy!
Beautiful painting!
What kind of paints do you usually use - acrylic?

Many thanks for you posts!