"Francois L' Ollonais" - Pegaso 75mm

Francois L' Olonnais ( 1635 - 1668)

No much to say here, than this is definately one of the most inspired and inspiring pieces i have ever seen sculpted and ever painted, thanks to Pegaso and Maurizio Bruno.

I really and definately enjoyed it. Acrulics, oils, inks

I hope you like it .

Thanks for looking and every comment is welcome



Hi Major,

It is indeed a very nice miniature. I also enjoyed your painting, especialy, your black and red colors. Beautefull work with accessories: broken tabouret, a card on a sword, a perrot, everything, every detail tells a story. However, there are few things that could be done better or ina different way: wine looks to thick like a very consistent oil paint and a sword blade does not give you an impression of being bended, especially on the first photo. The rest is just perfect.
1635 - 1668 - это его годы жизни? Довольно архаично одет для 2-й половины XVII века. Но если это пират, то тогда понятно. Удаленность от метрополии :) .

С Уважением.

1635 - 1668 is its years lives? It is archaically enough dressed for 2-nd half XVII century. But if it is the pirate then it is clear. Remoteness from mother country :) .

Yours faithfully.

Воробьев Руслан

Команда форума
Ну, это понятно .:) Я о другом: может , фильм какой-то был, или что-то такое, с чего Джула лепил? Ну, типа, зачем стоит, чего хочет? Или от фонаря ваял? Тогда что здесь говорит о том что это именно Оллоне? Или Рошфор? :)